Source code for gps_helper.prn

import json
import os
from collections import deque

prn_json = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'prn_info.json')).read()
prn_info = json.loads(prn_json)

[docs]class ShiftRegister: """ This class implements a shift register as described in the ICD 200 for using two taps. This is used by :class:`PRN`. """ def __init__(self, poly_taps, prn_taps): """ :param poly_taps: The polynomial taps to be used for the shift register. Usually G1, or G2 as specified in the ICD 200. :param prn_taps: The taps for the output, generally 10 for G1, or the sv taps listed in the ICD 200. """ self.G = deque([1 for i in range(10)]) # Needs to be ints for binary addition) self.poly_taps = poly_taps self.prn_taps = prn_taps
[docs] def next(self): """ Generate the next output and return it. This method includes the feedback step. :return: Bit """ out = self.get_output() self.do_feedback() return out
[docs] def do_feedback(self): """ Generate the feedback, and shift the values. :return: """ fb = [self.G[i - 1] for i in self.poly_taps] fb = sum(fb) % 2 self.G.pop() self.G.appendleft(fb)
[docs] def get_output(self): """ Generate the next output value for the sequence. :return: Bit """ out = [self.G[i - 1] for i in self.prn_taps] out = sum(out) % 2 return out
[docs]class PRN: """ This class implements the coarse acquisition prn sequence as described in ICD 200. """ def __init__(self, prn): """ :param prn: SV ID No. as described in the ICD 200. """ sv_range_message = "prn must be 1-63" self.prn = prn if prn < 1 or prn > 63: ValueError(sv_range_message) if prn < 38: self.sv_prn = prn else: self.sv_prn = 0 self.sv_taps = prn_info['taps'][str(self.sv_prn)] self.g1 = ShiftRegister(prn_info['taps']['G1'], [10]) self.g2 = ShiftRegister(prn_info['taps']['G2'], self.sv_taps) if prn > 37: delays = prn_info['delays'][str(self.prn)] delays = list(bin(int(delays, 8))[2:]) while len(delays) < 10: delays.insert(0, 0) for i in range(10): self.g2.G[i] = int(delays[i]) self.iteration = 0 = []
[docs] def next(self): """ Get the next chip in the sequence. :return: """ if self.iteration < 1023: g1 = g2 = ca = (g1 + g2) % 2 self.iteration += 1 else: ca =[self.iteration % 1023] self.iteration += 1 if self.iteration == 2047: self.iteration = 1023 return ca
[docs] def prn_seq(self): """ Return the full ca sequence. (1023 bits) Uses :func:`` to generate full sequence. :return: """ if self.iteration < 1023: while self.iteration < 1023: return