%pylab inline
from inspect import getsource
import scipy.signal as signal
from IPython.display import Audio, display
from IPython.display import Image, SVG
Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
from gps_helper.smoothing import RecursiveAverage, MovingAverageFilter, LowPassFilter
pylab.rcParams['savefig.dpi'] = 100 # default 72
%config InlineBackend.figure_formats=['svg'] # SVG inline viewing

Signal Filtering

f0 =0.1
fs = 100
t = arange(0,20,1/fs)
s = sign(cos(2*pi*.1*t))
title(r'0.1 Hz Squarewave with RC Lowpass')
ylabel(r'Signal - s')
std_n = 0.4
r = s + std_n*randn(len(s))
ylabel(r's + n')
f3 = 3*f0
a = exp(-2*pi*f3/fs)
rf = signal.lfilter([1-a],[1,-a],r)
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'LPF(s + n)')

Measurement Filtering

class RecursiveAverage:
    Recursive average filter implementation.

    def __init__(self):
        self.k = 0.0
        self.x_k = 0

    def next_sample(self, x):
        Process the next data sample.

        :param x: Next data sample to compute average
        :return: float
        self.k += 1.0
        self.x_k = ((self.k - 1.) / self.k) * self.x_k + x / self.k
        return self.x_k

class MovingAverageFilter:
    Moving average filter implementation.

    def __init__(self, n):
        :param n: Number of samples to move the average over
        self.n = float(n)
        self.x_k = [0.0 for ii in range(0, int(self.n))]

    def next_sample(self, x):
        Process the next sample.

        :param x: Next data sample to compute average
        :return: float
        self.x_k[1:] = self.x_k[:-1]
        self.x_k[0] = x
        return sum(self.x_k) / self.n

class LowPassFilter:
    Low pass filter implementation.

    def __init__(self, alpha):
        Provide the alpha weighting value to initialize.
        :param alpha: Weighting value
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.prev = 0

    def next_sample(self, x):
        Process the next sample.

        :param x: Next sample value.
        :return: float
        xlpf = self.alpha * self.prev + (1 - self.alpha) * x
        self.prev = xlpf
        return xlpf

Npts = 100
x = 5
v = 0.3*randn(Npts)
z = x + v
yravg = zeros_like(z)
ravg = RecursiveAverage()
y10 = zeros_like(z)
movavg10 = MovingAverageFilter(10)
y20 = zeros_like(z)
movavg20 = MovingAverageFilter(20)
lpf09 = LowPassFilter(0.9)
yfof09 = zeros_like(z)
for k, z_k in enumerate(z):
    yravg[k] = ravg.next_sample(z_k)
    y10[k] = movavg10.next_sample(z_k)
    y20[k] = movavg20.next_sample(z_k)
    yfof09[k] = lpf09.next_sample(z_k)
        r'MovAvg20',r'First-Order $\alpha=0.9$'))
ylabel(r'Filter Output')
xlabel(r'Index $n$')
title(r'Measurement Filtering a Noisy Constant')
Npts = 100
n = arange(0,100)
x = 5*cos(2*pi*n/200)
v = 0.3*randn(Npts)
z = x + v
yravg = zeros_like(z)
ravg = RecursiveAverage()
y10 = zeros_like(z)
movavg10 = MovingAverageFilter(10)
y20 = zeros_like(z)
movavg20 = MovingAverageFilter(20)
lpf09 = LowPassFilter(0.9)
yfof09 = zeros_like(z)
for k, z_k in enumerate(z):
    yravg[k] = ravg.next_sample(z_k)
    y10[k] = movavg10.next_sample(z_k)
    y20[k] = movavg20.next_sample(z_k)
    yfof09[k] = lpf09.next_sample(z_k)
        r'MovAvg20',r'First-Order $\alpha=0.9$'))
ylabel(r'Filter Output')
xlabel(r'Index $n$')
title(r'Measurement Filtering Half Cycle Cosine')

Kalman Filtering Background

It was in 1960 that the Kalman filter was born. Today we are many many innovations beyond its humble beginnings.





Basic Examples from Kim

Chapter 10.2: Estimating a Constant Voltage

class GetVoltage(object):
    A class for generating the battery voltage measurements

    Mark Wickert February 2018

    def __init__ (self, batt_voltage = 14.4, dt = 0.2, sigma_w = 2):
        Initialize the object
        self.sigma_w = sigma_w
        self.Voltage_set = batt_voltage

        self.dt = dt

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement
        w = 0 + self.sigma_w*random.randn(1)[0]
        z = self.Voltage_set + w
        return z
class SimpleKalman(object):
    Kim Chapter 10.2 Battery voltage estimation with measurement noise

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert February 2018

    def __init__ (self, dt = 0.2, initial_state = 14, P = 6):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = dt
        self.A = array([[1]])
        self.H = array([[1]])
        # Process model covariance
        self.Q = array([[0]])
        # Measurement model covariance
        self.R = 4
        self.x = array([[initial_state]])
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = P*eye(1)

    def next_sample(self,z):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new
        scalar measurement. Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        xp = self.A @ self.x
        Pp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q

        self.K = Pp @ self.H.T * inv(self.H @ Pp @ self.H.T + self.R)

        self.x = xp + self.K @ (array([[z]] - self.H @ xp))
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ self.H @ Pp

        self.volt = self.x[0]
        return self.volt
dt = 0.1
t = arange(0,10+dt,dt)
Xsaved = zeros((len(t),2))
Zsaved = zeros(len(t))
Ksaved = zeros(len(t))
Psaved = zeros(len(t))

# Create objects for the simulation
GetVoltage1 = GetVoltage(14.0,dt,sigma_w = 2)
SimpleKalman1 = SimpleKalman(initial_state=14)

for k in range(len(t)):
    z = GetVoltage1.measurement()
    Xsaved[k,:] = SimpleKalman1.next_sample(z)
    Zsaved[k] = z
    Ksaved[k] = SimpleKalman1.K
    Psaved[k] = SimpleKalman1.P
ylabel(r'Voltage (V)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measured',r'Kalman Filter'),loc='best')
title(r'Voltage Estimation')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
title(r'Covariance ($\sigma_x^2$) as $P_k$')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
title(r'Kalman Gain $K_k$')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')

Notes Radial Position Example

class GetPosVel(object):
    A class for generating position and velocity
    measurements and truth values
    of the state vector.

    Mark Wickert May 2018

    def __init__ (self,pos_set = 0, vel_set = 80.0, dt = 0.1,
                  Q = [[1,0],[0,3]], R = [[10,0],[0,2]]):
        Initialize the object
        self.actual_pos = pos_set
        self.actual_vel = vel_set

        self.Q = array(Q)
        self.R = array(R)
        self.dt = dt

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement
        # Truth position and velocity
        self.actual_vel = self.actual_vel
        self.actual_pos = self.actual_pos \
        + self.actual_vel*self.dt

        # Measured value is truth plus measurement error
        z1 = self.actual_pos + sqrt(self.R[0,0])*random.randn()
        z2 = self.actual_vel + sqrt(self.R[1,1])*random.randn()
        return array([[z1],[z2]])
class PosKalman(object):
    Position Estimation from Position and Velocity Measurements

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert May 2018

    def __init__ (self, Q, R, initial_state = [0, 20], dt = 0.1):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = dt
        self.A = array([[1, dt],[0,1]])
        self.H = array([[1,0],[0,1]])
        # Process model covariance
        self.Q = Q
        # Measurement model covariance
        self.R = R
        self.x = array([[initial_state[0]],[initial_state[1]]])
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = 5*eye(2)
        # Initialize state
        self.x = array([[0.0],[0.0]])

    def next_sample(self,z):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new
        scalar measurement. Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        xp = self.A @ self.x
        Pp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q

        self.K = Pp @ self.H.T * inv(self.H @ Pp @ self.H.T + self.R)

        self.x = xp + self.K @ (z - self.H @ xp)
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ self.H @ Pp
        return self.x

Run a Simulation

dt = 0.1
t = arange(0,10+dt,dt)
Xsaved = zeros((2,len(t)))
Zsaved = zeros((2,len(t)))
Psaved = zeros(len(t))
Vsaved = zeros(len(t))
# Save history of error covariance matrix diagonal
P_diag = zeros((len(t),2))

# Create objects for the simulation
Q = array([[1,0],[0,3]])
R = array([[10,0],[0,2]])
GetPos1 = GetPosVel(Q=Q,R=R,dt=dt)
PosKalman1 = PosKalman(Q,R, initial_state=[0,80])

for k in range(len(t)):
    # take a measurement
    z = GetPos1.measurement()
    # Update the Kalman filter
    Xsaved[:,k,None] = PosKalman1.next_sample(z)
    Zsaved[:,k,None] = z
    Psaved[k] = GetPos1.actual_pos
    Vsaved[k] = GetPos1.actual_vel
    P_diag[k,:] = PosKalman1.P.diagonal()
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Position Error (m)')
title(r'Position Error: $x_1 - p_{true}$')
legend((r'Measurement Error',r'Estimation Error'))
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Velocity Error (m)')
title(r'Velocity Error: $x_2 - v_{true}$')
legend((r'Measurement Error',r'Estimation Error'))
title(r'Covariance Matrix $\mathbf{P}$ Diagonal Entries')
xlabel(r'Time (s) (given $T_s = 0.1$s)')
legend((r'$\sigma_p^2$ (m$^2$)',r'$\sigma_v^2$ (m$^4$)'))

Chapter 11.2 & 11.3: Estimating Velocity from Position

class GetPos(object):
    A class for generating position measurements as found in Kim

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,Posp = 0, Vel_set = 80.0, dt = 0.1,
                  var_w = 10.0, var_v = 10.0):
        Initialize the object
        self.Posp = Posp
        self.Vel_set = Vel_set
        self.Velp = Vel_set

        self.dt = dt

        self.var_w = var_w
        self.var_v = var_v

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement
        # The velocity process noise
        w = 0 + self.var_w*random.randn(1)[0]
        # The position measurement noise
        v = 0 + self.var_v*random.randn(1)[0]

        # Update the position measurement
        z = self.Posp + self.Velp*self.dt + v
        # Also update the truth values of position and velocity
        self.Posp = z - v
        self.Velp = self.Vel_set + w
        return z
class DvKalman(object):
    Kim Chapter 11.2 Velocity from Position Estimation

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,initial_state = [0, 20]):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.A = array([[1, self.dt],[0,1]])
        self.H = array([[1,0]])
        # Process model covariance
        self.Q = array([[1,0],[0,3]])
        # Measurement model covariance
        self.R = 10
        self.x = array([[initial_state[0]],[initial_state[1]]])
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = 5*eye(2)
        # Initialize pos and vel
        self.pos = 0.0
        self.vel = 0.0

    def next_sample(self,z):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new
        scalar measurement. Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        xp = self.A @ self.x
        Pp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q

        self.K = Pp @ self.H.T * inv(self.H @ Pp @ self.H.T + self.R)

        self.x = xp + self.K @ (array([[z]] - self.H @ xp))
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ self.H @ Pp

        self.pos = self.x[0]
        self.vel = self.x[1]
        return self.pos, self.vel

Run a Simulation

dt = 0.1
t = arange(0,10+dt,dt)
Xsaved = zeros((len(t),2))
Zsaved = zeros(len(t))
Vsaved = zeros(len(t))

# Create objects for the simulation
GetPos1 = GetPos()
DvKalman1 = DvKalman()

for k in range(len(t)):
    z = GetPos1.measurement()
    # pos, vel = DvKalman1.update(z)

    Xsaved[k,:] = DvKalman1.next_sample(z)
    Zsaved[k] = z
    Vsaved[k] = GetPos1.Velp
ylabel(r'Position (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measured',r'Kalman Filter'),loc='best')
ylabel(r'Velocity (m/s)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'True Speed',r'Kalman Filter'),loc='best')

Chapter 11.4: Estimating Position from Velocity

class GetVel(object):
    A class for generating velocity measurements as found in Kim 11.4

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,Pos_set = 0, Vel_set = 80.0, dt = 0.1, var_v = 10.0):
        Initialize the object
        self.Posp = Pos_set
        self.Vel_set = Vel_set
        self.Velp = Vel_set

        self.dt = dt

        self.var_v = var_v

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement
        # The velocity measurement noise
        v = 0 + self.var_v*random.randn(1)[0]

        # Also update the truth values of position and velocity
        self.Posp += self.Velp*self.dt
        self.Velp = self.Vel_set + v
        z = self.Velp
        return z
class IntKalman(object):
    Kim Chapter 11.4 Position from Velocity Estimation

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,initial_state = [0, 20]):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = 0.1
        self.A = array([[1, dt],[0,1]])
        self.H = array([[0,1]])
        # Process model covariance
        self.Q = array([[1,0],[0,3]])
        # Measurement model covariance
        self.R = 10
        self.x = array([[initial_state[0]],[initial_state[1]]])
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = 5*eye(2)
        # Initialize pos and vel
        self.pos = 0.0
        self.vel = 0.0

    def next_sample(self,z):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new scalar measurement.
        Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        xp = self.A @ self.x
        Pp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q

        self.K = Pp @ self.H.T * inv(self.H @ Pp @ self.H.T + self.R)

        self.x = xp + self.K @ (array([[z]] - self.H @ xp))
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ self.H @ Pp

        self.pos = self.x[0]
        self.vel = self.x[1]
        return self.pos, self.vel
dt = 0.1
t = arange(0,10+dt,dt)
Xsaved = zeros((len(t),2))
Zsaved = zeros(len(t))
Psaved = zeros(len(t))

# Create objects for the simulation
GetVel1 = GetVel()
IntKalman1 = IntKalman()

for k in range(len(t)):
    z = GetVel1.measurement()

    Xsaved[k,:] = IntKalman1.next_sample(z)
    Zsaved[k] = z
    Psaved[k] = GetVel1.Posp
ylabel(r'Velocity (m/s)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measurements',r'Kalman Filter'),loc='best')
ylabel(r'Position (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'True Position' ,r'Kalman Filter',),loc='best')

Chapter 11.5: Measuring Velocity with Sonar

# From scipy.io
from scipy.io import loadmat
class GetSonar(object):
    A class for playing back sonar altitude measurements as found in Kim 2.4
    and later used in Kim 11.5

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,):
        Initialize the object
        sonarD = loadmat('SonarAlt')
        self.h = sonarD['sonarAlt'].flatten()
        self.Max_pts = len(self.h)
        self.k = 0

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement

        h = self.h[self.k]
        self.k += 1
        if self.k > self.Max_pts:
            print('Recycling data by starting over')
            self.k = 0
        return h
Nsamples = 500
t = arange(Nsamples)*.02
Xsaved = zeros(Nsamples)
Xmsaved = zeros(Nsamples)
Xksaved = zeros((Nsamples,2))

GetSonar1 = GetSonar()
MovAvgFilter1 = MovingAverageFilter(10)
DvKalman2 = DvKalman()
for k in range(Nsamples):
    xm =GetSonar1.measurement()
    Xmsaved[k] = xm
    Xsaved[k] = MovAvgFilter1.next_sample(xm)
    Xksaved[k,:] = DvKalman2.next_sample(xm)
ylabel(r'Altitude (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measurement' ,r'Moving Average - 10',r'Kalman-pos'),loc='best')
ylabel(r'Velocity (m/s)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')

Nonlinear Kalman Filter

Chapter 14 Extended Kalman Filter (EKF)

Here we focus on:

  • Replacing \(\mathbf{Ax}_k\) with the nonlinearity \(f(\mathbf{x}_k)\) and \(\mathbf{Hx}_k\) with the nonlinearity \(\mathbf{h}(\mathbf{x}_k)\)
  • How in the end the EKF linearizes the nonlinear model at each time step by using the Jacobian matrices \(\mathbf{A} \equiv \partial \mathbf{f}/\partial \mathbf{x}\) and \(\mathbf{H} \equiv \partial \mathbf{h}/\partial \mathbf{x}\)
  • Assembling the EKF algorithm from the Kalman filter foundation
  • Finally, a Radar tracking example (Kim 14.4)


class GetRadar(object):
    A class for generating radar slant range measurements as found in Kim 14.4

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self,Pos_set = 0, Vel_set = 80.0, Alt_set = 1000, dt = 0.1,
                  var_Vel = 25.0, var_Alt = 100):
        Initialize the object
        self.Posp = Pos_set
        self.Vel_set = Vel_set
        self.Alt_set = Alt_set

        self.dt = dt

        self.var_Vel = var_Vel
        self.var_Alt = var_Alt

    def measurement(self):
        Take a measurement
        # The velocity process with uncertainty
        vel = self.Vel_set + sqrt(self.var_Vel)*random.randn(1)[0]
        # The altitude process with uncertainty
        alt = self.Alt_set + sqrt(self.var_Alt)*random.randn(1)[0]

        # New position
        pos = self.Posp + vel*dt

        # Slant range measurement noise
        v = 0 + pos*0.05*random.randn(1)[0]
        # The slant range
        r = sqrt(pos**2 + alt**2) + v
        self.Posp = pos
        return r
class RadarEKF(object):
    Kim Chapter 14.4 Radar Range Tracking

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self, dt=0.05, initial_state = [0, 90, 1100]):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = dt
        self.A = eye(3) + dt*array([[0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
        # Process model covariance
        self.Q = array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.001, 0], [0, 0, 0.001]])
        # Measurement model covariance
        self.R = array([[10]])
        self.x = array(initial_state)
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = 10*eye(3)
        # Initialize pos and vel
        self.pos = 0.0
        self.vel = 0.0
        self.alt = 0.0

    def next_sample(self,z):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new scalar measurement.
        Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        H = self.Hjacob(self.x)
        xp = self.A @ self.x
        Pp = self.A @ self.P @ self.A.T + self.Q

        self.K = Pp @ H.T * inv(H @ Pp @ H.T + self.R)

        self.x = xp + self.K @ (array([z - self.hx(xp)]))
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ H @ Pp

        self.pos = self.x[0]
        self.vel = self.x[1]
        self.alt = self.x[2]
        return self.pos, self.vel, self.alt

    def hx(self,xhat):
        State vector predicted to slant range
        zp = sqrt(xhat[0]**2 + xhat[2]**2)
        return zp

    def Hjacob(self,xp):
        Jacobian used to linearize the measurement matrix H
        given the state vector
        H = zeros((1,3))

        H[0,0] = xp[0]/sqrt(xp[0]**2 + xp[2]**2)
        H[0,1] = 0
        H[0,2] = xp[2]/sqrt(xp[0]**2 + xp[2]**2)
        return H

Run a Simulation

Nsamples = 500
dt = 0.05
t = arange(Nsamples)*dt
Nsamples = len(t)
XsavedEKF = zeros((Nsamples,3))
XmsavedEKF = zeros(Nsamples)
ZsavedEKF = zeros(Nsamples)

GetRadar1 = GetRadar()
RadarEKF1 = RadarEKF(dt, initial_state=[0, 90, 1100])
for k in range(Nsamples):
    xm =GetRadar1.measurement()
    XmsavedEKF[k] = xm
    XsavedEKF[k,:] = RadarEKF1.next_sample(xm)
    ZsavedEKF[k] = norm(XsavedEKF[k])
title(r'Extended Kalman Filter States')
ylabel(r'Vel (m/s)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Alt (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Pos (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Slant Range (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measured',r'EKF Estimated'),loc='best')

Chapter 15 Unscented KalmanFilter (UKF)

Here we focus on:

  • The unscented transformation algorithm
  • The estimation of the mean and convariance matrix asscociated with the joint pdf of \(y = f(x)\), where in general \(x\) and \(y\) are vectors, e.g., the state and transformed state
  • Assembling the UKF algorithm from the original KF, but with new and substitute equations due to sigma point generation and transformed sigma points
  • Finally, a Radar tracking example (continuation) from Kim 15.4




First review how to slice a 2D array into a 2D column or row vector using a third argument set to None. Note this approach works for both right-side and left-side calculations. You know you have done something wrong when you receive a numpy broadcasting error.

A = arange(1,21).reshape(4,5)
print('# A 4 x 5 matrix:')
print('# Slice out the second column as a 4x1 matrix')
print('# Slice out the third row as a 1x5 matrix')
# A 4 x 5 matrix:
[[ 1  2  3  4  5]
 [ 6  7  8  9 10]
 [11 12 13 14 15]
 [16 17 18 19 20]]
# Slice out the second column as a 4x1 matrix
[[ 2]
 [ 7]
# Slice out the third row as a 1x5 matrix
[[11 12 13 14 15]]
def SigmaPoints(xm, P, kappa):
    Calculate the Sigma Points of an unscented Kalman filter

    Mark Wickert December 2017
    Translated P. Kim's program from m-code
    n  = xm.size
    Xi = zeros((n, 2*n+1))  # sigma points = col of Xi
    W  = zeros(2*n+1)
    Xi[:, 0, None] = xm
    W[0] = kappa/(n + kappa)

    U = cholesky((n+kappa)*P)  # U'*U = (n+kappa)*P

    for k in range(n):
        Xi[:, k+1, None] = xm + U[k, None, :].T   # row of U
        W[k+1] = 1/(2*(n+kappa))

    for k in range(n):
        Xi[:, n+k+1, None] = xm - U[k, None, :].T
        W[n+k+1] = 1/(2*(n+kappa))

    return Xi, W
def UT(Xi, W, noiseCov = 0):
    Unscented transformation

    Mark Wickert December 2017
    Translated P. Kim's program from m-code
    n, kmax = Xi.shape

    xm = zeros((n,1))
    for k in range(kmax):
        xm += W[k]*Xi[:, k, None]

    xcov = zeros((n, n))
    for k in range(kmax):
        xcov += W[k]*(Xi[:, k, None] - xm)*(Xi[:, k, None] - xm).T

    xcov += noiseCov
    return xm, xcov

Verify that SigmaPoints() and UT() are working:

xm = array([[5],[5]])
Px = 9*eye(2)
kappa = 2

Xi, W = SigmaPoints(xm,Px,kappa) # sigma points and weights
xAvg, xCov = UT(Xi, W) # estimate mean vector and covariance matrix using sigma points
[[ 5. 11.  5. -1.  5.]
 [ 5.  5. 11.  5. -1.]]
[0.5   0.125 0.125 0.125 0.125]
[[9. 0.]
 [0. 9.]]
  • The xAvg and xCon values match the original input values of mean and covariance
class RadarUKF(object):
    Kim Chapter 15.4 Radar Range Tracking UKF Version

    Python 3.x is assumed so the operator @ can be used for matrix multiply

    Mark Wickert December 2017

    def __init__ (self, dt=0.05, initial_state = [0, 90, 1100]):
        Initialize the object
        self.dt = dt
        self.n = 3
        self.m = 1
        # Process model covariance
        #self.Q = array([[0.01, 0, 0], [0, 0.01, 0], [0, 0, 0.01]])
        self.Q = array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0.001, 0], [0, 0, 0.001]])
        # Measurement model covariance
        #self.R = array([[100]])
        self.R = array([[10]])
        self.x = array([initial_state]).T
        # Error covariance initialize
        self.P = 100*eye(3)
        self.K = zeros((self.n,1))
        # Initialize pos and vel
        self.pos = 0.0
        self.vel = 0.0
        self.alt = 0.0

    def next_sample(self,z,kappa = 0):
        Update the Kalman filter state by inputting a new scalar measurement.
        Return the state array as a tuple
        Update all other Kalman filter quantities
        Xi, W = SigmaPoints(self.x, self.P, 0)
        fXi = zeros((self.n, 2*self.n + 1))
        for k in range(2*self.n + 1):
            fXi[:, k, None] = self.fx(Xi[:,k,None])
        xp, Pp = UT(fXi, W, self.Q)

        hXi = zeros((self.m, 2*self.n+1))
        for k in range(2*self.n+1):
            hXi[:, k, None] = self.hx(fXi[:,k,None])
        zp, Pz = UT(hXi, W, self.R)

        Pxz = zeros((self.n,self.m))
        for k in range(2*self.n+1):
            Pxz += W[k]*(fXi[:,k,None] - xp) @ (hXi[:, k, None] - zp).T

        self.K = Pxz * inv(Pz)
        self.x = xp + self.K * (z - zp)
        self.P = Pp - self.K @ Pz @ self.K.T

        self.pos = self.x[0]
        self.vel = self.x[1]
        self.alt = self.x[2]
        return self.pos, self.vel, self.alt

    def fx(self,x):
        The function f(x) in Kim
        A = eye(3) + self.dt*array([[0, 1, 0],[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]])
        xp = A @ x
        return xp

    def hx(self,x):
        The range equation r(x1,x3)
        yp = sqrt(x[0]**2 + x[2]**2)
        return yp

Run a Simulation

dt = 0.05
Nsamples = 500
t = arange(Nsamples)*dt
Nsamples = len(t)
XsavedUKF = zeros((Nsamples,3))
XmsavedUKF = zeros(Nsamples)
ZsavedUKF = zeros(Nsamples)
KsavedUKF = zeros((Nsamples,3))

GetRadar1 = GetRadar()
RadarUKF1 = RadarUKF(dt,initial_state=[0, 90, 1100])
for k in range(Nsamples):
    xm =GetRadar1.measurement()
    XmsavedUKF[k] = xm
    XsavedUKF[k,:] = RadarUKF1.next_sample(xm)
    ZsavedUKF[k] = norm(XsavedUKF[k])
    KsavedUKF[k,:] = RadarUKF1.K.T
title(r'Unscented Kalman Filter States')
ylabel(r'Vel (m/s)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Alt (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Pos (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
ylabel(r'Slant Range (m)')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')
legend((r'Measured',r'UKF Estimated'),loc='best')
  • Take a look at the Kalman gains versus time for each of the states:
title(r'Kalman Gain Components versus Time')
ylabel(r'Kalman Gain')
xlabel(r'Time (s)')